This is my personal homepage and blog, where I write about development and work experiences, review interesting books and link to stuff on the web that I enjoy.
I like creating fast websites, traveling with my girlfriend, functional programming, learning new stuff, writing about programming, programming languages and frameworks, and listening to lots of music, mainly Heavy Metal and a lot of its subgenres. My current favourite tools to build websites are plain ol’ HTML/CSS, Astro, SvelteKit, TypeScript and/or JavaScript and Golang. I also use Python a lot – even though I don’t particulary like it, but sometimes its the best tool for the job. Occasionally I enjoy building stuff with Elixir or Rust or learning Haskell, in order to solve specific problems or build more complex websites. Lately, I’m very interested in DevOps and software architecture patterns as well. If you really want to learn more about what other useful tools I’ve put on my belt over the years, have a look at my /uses page.
I do freelance contracting and consulting work, and I am always on the lookout for new job and learning opportunities, so if you think I’m the right guy for an interesting job you’ve got in the pipeline, drop me a line.